Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio Profile

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Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio Profile


Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio (Facebook Page)
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Brochura da Sociedade Amadeu Gaudêncio publicada em 1990




1935-1995, Lisboa, Portugal

Firm Item Type Metadata

Head Office Location

Rua Alexandre Braga, 6A, Lisboa.

Foundation Date


Founded by

Closure Date



The Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio was founded in 1930, initially bearing the name of its founder, Amadeu Gaudêncio. In 1935 the designation of “Amadeu Gaudencio - Construção Civil” changed to the name that would be known for the rest of the century. The company was located at Rua Alexandre Braga, in Lisbon, where it remained throughout its existence. For sixty years the company grew in the Portuguese construction landscape, having reached 1500 employees among the construction works, offices and workshops of carpentry, sawmill and painting, installed in that same street. In a variety of advertisements, the company introduces itself as a specialist in civil construction, especially in the use of reinforced concrete, mechanical carpentry and, to a lesser relevance in the company, furniture construction and painting work.

Within the construction sector, the first work that would mark the portfolio of the Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio would be the Santa Maria Hospital, in Lisbon. A construction that began in 1940 and ended in 1953. However, other works are associated with the course of the company, such as Casa da Moeda, Nossa Senhora de Fátima church, headquarters of Banco Nacional Ultramarino, French Lycée, Chile square, Ford Lusitana e and Café Portugal, in Lisboa, Cineteatro Joaquim de Almeida, in Montijo, and São João Hospital, in Porto. Although not building the entire infrastructure, this company was also linked to the construction of the Portela Airport, in Lisbon, between 1942 and 1949.

In 1975 the company, for legal reasons, became a Limited Liability Company. Names such as Engineer Manuel Bravo and Engineer Almeida Henriques are directly associated with the company's history, especially after the founder's departure from the company, in 1977. In 1995, the year in which they celebrated 60 years of existence, the company went bankrupt and put an end to half a century of buildings that marked Portugal during the Estado Novo dictatorship and the beginning of the democratic regime, from 1974.

Click on the selected works below to know more about them:

Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa
Café Portugal, Lisboa
Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Porto
Mercado de Arroios, Lisboa


The timeline of woks done by/with the collaboration of Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio



PT BUILDS, “Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio Profile,” Portugal Builds, accessed September 20, 2024,

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