SOPOL, Sociedade Geral de Construções e Obras Públicas, S.A. Profile

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SOPOL, Sociedade Geral de Construções e Obras Públicas, S.A. Profile


"Prospecto de Oferta Pública de Subscrição" (2001). In SOPOL, Sociedade Geral de Construções e Obras Públicas, S.A., Lisboa, Grupo Caixa Geral de Depósitos.




Lisboa, Portugal, 1959-2008

Firm Item Type Metadata

Head Office Location

Rua Professor Fernando Da Fonseca, Edifício Visconde De Alvalade, 6º, Lisboa, 1600-466 Lisboa, Portugal

Foundation Date


Founded by

Etablissements Sainrapt & Brice
Centro de Empreendimentos Comerciais, Lda.
Fernando Tavares Carvalho

Closure Date



SOPOL, Sociedade Geral de Construções e Obras Públicas, SA was founded in 1959. The foundation of the company was carried out by the companies “Etablissements Sainrapt & Brice”, “Sociedade de Construções Amadeu Gaudêncio, Lda.”, “Centro de Empreendimentos Comerciais, Lda.” and also the individual person of Dr. Fernando Tavares Carvalho. It was a Portuguese construction company, responsible for the construction of important public works of the 20th century. In this way, SOPOL contributed to the execution of works and remarkable infrastructures for the progress and development of the country, especially when talking about the period of the Estado Novo and the Democracy, after the April 25 revolution.

Since its foundation, the company has developed competence for the construction of earthworks, highways, bridges, viaducts, urban and industrial infrastructure and hydraulic and hydroelectric facilities. Among the most important works in its portfolio, the highlights are the Carrapatelo Dam, in the Douro, the Monte Novo Dam, in Évora, the Castelo de Bode Pipeline to Vila Franca de Xira and the North access Viaduct to the bridge over the Tagus River, a work belonging to the construction consortium of the bridge, between 1962 and 1966, in Lisbon. Closer to the end of the century, when the company was already part of a larger group, SOPOL continued to do major public works such as the Almada Shopping Center, the Mooring Pier at Farol do Bugio and the new ceiling of the Campo Pequeno Bullring, the last two in Lisbon.

In 1996, Grupo A. Silva & Silva acquired a majority stake in SOPOL. From that moment, the company became part of the group, being responsible for the area of civil construction and public works. Three years later, in 1999, SOPOL signed a partnership agreement with Dragados Obras y Proyectos S.A., which allowed the Spanish company to operate in the Portuguese construction and public works market. At the time, Dragados acquired 45% of the share capital of the Portuguese company. For SOPOL, this agreement meant a response to the company's globalization and integration of economies process. However, already in the new millennium, in 2008, SOPOL joined the prestigious company OPCA to found a new group, Opway.

Click on the selected works below to know more about them:

Barragem do Carrapatelo, Marco de Canaveses
Barragem de Monte Novo, Évora
Cobertura da Praça de Touros do Campo Pequeno, Lisboa


The timeline of woks done by/with the collaboration of SOPOL, Sociedade Geral de Construções e Obras Públicas, S.A.



PT BUILDS, “SOPOL, Sociedade Geral de Construções e Obras Públicas, S.A. Profile,” Portugal Builds, accessed July 27, 2024,

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